Craftmerce Curator

Elevate your sourcing experience with Craftmerce Curator

Looking to source unique and impactful products for your store? Craftmerce Curator is your complimentary guide to sourcing exceptional African-made items.

Stand out from the crowd

Craftmerce Curator simplifies sourcing from our vast network of diverse makers across 13 African countries. Whether you're seeking a distinctive assortment, customization options, or bulk orders, we're your go-to resource.

Our expertise across the supply chain

Our experienced team seamlessly handles the sourcing, purchasing, and tracking of your orders, from initial inquiries to final delivery. Our North American and European sales teams and our global maker network are here to assist you every step of the way.

Unlock bulk buying and customization opportunities

Craftmerce offers the flexibility of small batch production, enabling greater customization than mass production. Many of our makers provide customization and white labeling services, helping you create your own branded collection. Additionally, bulk orders benefit from significant capacity and volume pricing.

Embark on a sourcing journey you'll love

Contact us today for free and let Craftmerce Curator elevate your sourcing experience. We'll respond promptly within 48 hours.